The combined longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is called a Nithya Yoga. There are 27 Nithya Yogas based on the 27 constellations which tenant the Ecliptic. The calculation of Nithya Yoga is simple. Add the longitude of the Moon to the longitude of the Sun, divide it by 13 degrees 20 minutes and you get the Nithya Yoga. Nithya Yoga = Longitude of Sun + Longitude of Moon 13 degrees 20 minutes These are the effects of being born in different Nithya Yogas The First NITHYA YOGA : VISHKAMBA Those born under VISHKAMBA NITHYAYOGA have predictive or prognosticating ability.They are spiritual minded and not materialstic. They are interested in the divine and the occult side of life. They love all that moves. It is quite possible that they have a small bend of the body when they walk. The Second NITHYA YOGA : PREETHI They are workaholics rosetta stone language
as they are born in PREETHI NITHYAYOGA. Their public relations are excellent because of their sincerity and altruistic nature. They have a sacrificing mentality and they come up in life always. Their love for all that lives is their best forte. The Third NITHYA YOGA : AYUSHMATH Those born under AYUSHMATH NITHYAYOGA have leadership qualities which paves the way for success. The Nithya Yoga in which they are born is self-explanatory as it confers longevity. Their decisions are always accepted in society without objections. Their life is made happy by these factors. The Fourth NITHYA YOGA : SOUBHAGYA Special signs in their hands feet are indicated by SOUBHAGYA NITHYA YOGA. The distribution, preparation and the quality of food stuffs interest them and they may take this up as their profession . Their income may come from associated sources .It is possible that they may stay away in far away places. The Fifth NITHYA YOGA : SOBHANA Visual art and display interest them as they are born in SOBHANA NITHYAYOGA . Their work is always characterised by an artistic element and they are always lucky in their profession. Their public relations are good. They have taste for good food and they possess happiness possessions. The Sixth NITHYA YOGA : ATHIGANDHAThose born under ATHIGANDHA NITHYAYOGA appreciate the fine arts, movies music. They enjoy fighting and quarrelling even as they are detached. They are difficult to be influenced and they are strong-minded Rosetta Stone Chinese
courageous. They have high integrity. The Seventh NITHYA YOGA : SUKARMAAs they are born in SUKARMA NITHYAYOGA they are noble in their outlook and dignified in their manners. Dutiful they are and they can easily impress their colleagues with excellent performance. Their words and actions are good and they are charitable by nature. The Eighth NITHYA YOGA : DRITHIAs they are born in DRITHI NITHYAYOGA they will enjoy scientific knowledge and they are interested in inventions. They are astounded and impressed by space travel. They have expertise and ability for effective communications. They are strong minded unassailable. The Ninth NITHYA YOGA : SOOLAAs they are born in SOOLA NITHYAYOGA they have gymnastic bodies.They are sharp on the thinking level the active level. They are proud of their abilities Learn Portuguese
possessions both material and intellectual. They are shorttempered quarrelsome. The Tenth NITHYA YOGA : GANDHAAs they are born in GANDHA NITHYAYOGA they are likely to be tall.They may have to deal with bad elements in society which may cause unpopularity discontent in the beginning. But their will power determination workaholism will save them finally. The Eleventh NITHYA YOGA : VRIDDHITheir analytical ability intellectuality are all part and parcel of VRIDDHI NITHYAYOGA. They love their family and children so much this is their wealth. The opportunities they get and their childhood environment always determine their progress. The Twelfth NITHYA YOGA : DHRUVAAs they are born in DHRUVA NITHYAYOGA they are physically robust having wellbuilt bodies. They will be known as men of patience due to the peace of mind they enjoy. Their health will be allright.They earn respect for their reliability. The Thirteenth NITHYA YOGA : VYAGHATHAThose born under VYAGHATHA NITHYAYOGA are prone to anger. As they are short tempered their associates may not always freely communicate with them . Their eyes will be peculiar and they are acceptable to others. They may seem eccentric to many. The Fourteenth NITHYA YOGA : HARSHANAAs they are born in HARSHANA NITHYAYOGA they become leaders whereever they are placed due to inherent leadership qualities. These qualities will manifest depending on the challenges opportunities they get. They stand by Truth and fight for it.